
A glossary of terms used throughout the DataVic access policy guidelines.

Application Programming Interface (API): A specification intended to be used as an interface by software components in order to communicate with each other.

Confidentialised Unit Record Files (CURF): A record in which name and address information, are controlled and limited, or data are deleted or modified to disable identification of individuals or businesses.

Custodian: Individual responsible for managing the lifecycle of a dataset.

Data: Datasets and databases stored in formats including hardcopy, electronic (digital), audio, video, image, graphical, cartographic, physical sample, textual, geospatial or numerical form.

Data quality statement: A presentation of information about the quality of a statistical collection or product.

Data record: A collection of data items related in some fashion and usually connecting.

Data tool: A tool included with a dataset which can load and/or manipulate data.

Dataset: Data that is machine readable, reusable and open format. In this Policy, the term also applies to data made available in the form of an API, web services and existing data tools.

De-identify: The process by which data is stripped of information which would allow the identification of the source of the data.

Metadata: Listed information that describes an information resource, or helps provide access to an information resource.

Net benefit: having an overall positive impact on the relevant community. A net benefit takes into account the costs and benefits related to:

  • public health and safety
  • social and community impact
  • environmental impact
  • competition
  • economic impact

Open format: An open format is a specification for storing and manipulating content that is usually maintained by a standards organisation.

Unit record: A collection of data elements for a given object. Also a row in a database.

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): A string of characters used to identify a name or a resource.

Victorian Government data: Datasets and databases owned and held by the Victorian Government and stored in formats including hardcopy, electronic (digital), audio, video, image, graphical, cartographic, physical sample, textual, geospatial or numerical form.

Web service: A method of communication between two electronic devices over the web.
