Datasets created or managed by public sector agencies are public records and should be managed accordingly. Related policies and standards to support this include:
Victorian Government Intellectual Property Intent and Principles
The Whole of Victorian Government Intellectual Property Policy Intent and Principles is the State’s framework for the ownership and management of its IP, as well as for the use by the State of IP belonging to other parties.
Recordkeeping standards
The Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) sets recordkeeping standards for the efficient management of public records under section 12 of the Public Records Act 1973. The standards apply to all records created by the Victorian Government and detail requirements for the creation, maintenance and use of these records.
Information management standards
The whole of Victorian Government Information management standards describe the way in which an organisation should plan, identify, create, receive, collect, organise, govern, secure, use, control, disseminate, exchange, maintain, preserve and dispose of its information.
Victorian Protective Data Security Standards (VPDSS)
The Data and Privacy Protection Commissioner is responsible for the whole of Victorian Government protective data security framework which includes protective data security standards, protective data security plans prepared by public sector bodies to implement the standards, and specific law enforcement data security standards.
Victorian Government Website Management Framework
The Website Management Framework provides standards and guidelines on website content, services and processes, including content ownership approval and review. The 15 inner government agencies must comply with the Content Ownership Approval and Review standard which requires that all website content has an owner. It is recommended that agencies seek to align the process of assigning dataset custodianship and website content ownership where possible.
Cost Recovery Guidelines
These Guidelines clarify the Government’s policy principles underpinning cost recovery arrangements. The guidelines provide a rigorous framework for use by government entities when considering, developing and reviewing user charges and regulatory fees.
Competitive Neutrality Policy
Competitive neutrality ensures that the significant business activities of publicly owned entities compete fairly in the market. It is about transparent cost identification and pricing in a way that removes advantages arising from public ownership. This policy outlines a process for lodgement and investigation of complaints against public entities.
Data integrity manual
The data integrity manual supplements the Standing Directions of the Minister for Finance on Information Management and Information Technology Systems (Standing Direction 3.4.13).