DataVic news, events and updates
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Housing data including rental reports, property sales, building permit, VIF 2023 data plus heritage and cultural areas.
Road usage statistics, traffic signal volumes, freeway travel times and GTFS public transport timetable data.
Vicmap Data & Services
Victoria's authoritative suite of statewide foundational spatial data.
Victorian government school zones, enrolments and reporting. VCAMS data and On Track Survey results.
Data and resources related to air quality, recycling, environmental attitudes, water use and solar.
Victorian crime statistics, popular baby names, Museum Victoria collections, liquor licenses and government dates.
Find Victorian local government data
The VPS Data Directory
Finding and sharing data across the VPS through the internal data catalogue. For use only within the VPS.
DataVic Access Policy Dataset Publishing Manual
A practical guide to listing data on the DataVic.
Victorian Government Data Directory Metadata Standard
This document describes the metadata standard used when publishing data in the VPS Data Directory.