Updated Victoria Road Crash data

This information will be updated every month but with a 7-month lag to provide a comprehensive view of incidents during that period.

Tuesday 19 December 2023 at 3:11 am
Melbourne metropolitan
Published by:
Department of Transport and Planning
Image of cars driving on a road
DTP Registered vechicle data

The Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) has recently updated the Victorian Road Crash datasets available in Open Data to have the latest information from 2012 up to April 2023. This information will be updated every month but with a 7-month lag to provide a comprehensive view of incidents during that time period.

This data has been consolidated from Victoria Police reports and Hospital injury information, then validated and enriched to provide a comprehensive and detailed view of road crashes and injuries across Victoria.

The tables and attributes include details based on key attributes, such as:

  • time
  • location
  • conditions
  • crash type
  • road user type.

This information will support many existing open data users including government agencies, councils, research institutions, and businesses that depend on these insights to make more informed decisions. DTP is continuing to demonstrate our commitment to continuously improve existing datasets and release new information by doing our part to support the State Government's Open Data policy and objectives.
