GovHack 2023 winners announced

The Department of Government Services is proud to sponsor GovHack for the 11th year.

Monday 20 November 2023 at 6:14 am
Melbourne metropolitan
Published by:
Department of Government Services
Image showing GovHack 2023 Competitors
Photograph by: Peter Marks

GovHack is Australia's largest open government and open data hackathon attracting over 1,000 participants each year.

GovHack is all about encouraging and celebrating technical and creative capacity, connecting citizens with government for great outcomes, and building upon the social and economic value of open data published by government - which is why the event is so special to the open data program.

This year, we sponsored two challenges based on the 2023 competition themes of the Environment, Social focus, and Governance issues.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all who participated in this year's event from participants, to volunteers and challenge designers and judges. Your support for the event is crucial.

GovHack 2023 Victorian Winners

Challenge 1 Trends in the Uptake of Electric Vehicles Explore the relationship between vehicle types and the uptake of EVs

Team – Unicorn Consultants

Entry – EV Uptake and Travel Behaviour

“Our project examines the relationship between people's travel behaviour and the uptake of Electric Vehicles. We have performed a spatial analysis to link information around people's travel habits captured in the Victorian Integrated Survey of Travel and Activity as well as a snapshot of Registered Vehicle data in Victoria in 2023.

Our analysis of Local Government Areas suggests that people's median travel distance is negatively correlated with the uptake of Electric Vehicles. A possible reason for this is the 'Range Anxiety' that consumers may feel experimenting with a relatively new type of vehicle.”

Challenge 2 Analysing recycling trends over the last 20 years to predict future recycling behaviour

Team – Actuaries

Entry – Actuaries

“We embark on a quest to explore Victoria's recycling evolution. To predict future recycling trends, we apply multiple statistical models (per subtype), analyse, and evaluate them on validations set, and predict with our best model. We then visualise both past and present (predicted) trends and discuss and analyse them in our video, showing what materials Victoria needs to pay attention to in order to in the future.”
